Spurlock Museum Advisory Board
The purpose of the Board is to serve as a liaison between the Spurlock Museum and its communities: the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the State of Illinois, and the world at large. The Board develops and enhances relationships with individuals and organizations in order to raise the awareness of the mission, assets, and needs of the Museum. It serves in an advisory capacity to the Museum and the Museum Director.
- Lisa Wilson, President
- Liz Jones, President Elect
- Michael L. VanBlaricum, Past President
- Dennis Kimme, Secretary
- Clark Cunningham
- Robert Easter
- Charles Hundley
- Liz Jones
- Dennis Kimme
- Antonios Michalos
- Michael L. VanBlaricum
- Yu (Ian) Wang
- Norman Whitten
- Lisa Wilson
- Maureen Berry
- Allan Campbell
- Keon Conerly
- Clark E. Cunningham
- Joseph Czestochowski
- Robert Easter
- Barbara Ford
- Gregory Freund
- Charles Hundley
- Jane Jerch
- Liz Jones
- T (Kesh) Kesavadas
- Dennis Alan Kimme
- James S. Lowers
- Antonios Michalos
- Conna Oram
- Gayl Pyatt
- Tiffany Xanos Rossi
- Mary Slater
- Michael L. VanBlaricum
- Safwat Wahba
- Joy Thornton-Walter
- Yu (Ian) Wang
- Wayne Weber
- Norman E. Whitten
- Lisa Wilson
- Joyce Wright
Honorary Members
- Peggy Anderson
- Henry Blackwell
- Douglas Brewer
- Robin Fossum
- Bernie Freeman
- John Heiligenstein
- Janet Dixon Keller
- Jill Knappenberger
- Martha Landis
- Sara de Mundo Lo (in memorium)
- Anna J. Merritt
- Wayne Pitard
- Richard Pyatt (in memorium)
- Grover L. Seitzinger
- Charles R. Shepardson
- Claire Skaperdas
- Pola Fotitch Triandis (in memorium)
- Ruth Watkins
Museum Liaison
Brian Cudiamat
LAS Representative
Joseph Baldwin
Board Committees
Advancement Committee
This committee coordinates activities in support of the Museum with the University of Illinois Foundation, the College of LAS, and interested persons.
Promotions Committee
This committee will support publicity and programs to enhance the mission of the Museum.
Nominating Committee
It is the responsibility of the Nominating Committee to provide the names of nominees whose skills and experience best address the needs of the museum and are representative of the geographic and demographic areas served by the Spurlock Museum.
Events Committee
This committee shall facilitate and support events held in support of the mission of the Museum.