Collecting and Connecting: One Hundred Years at the Spurlock Museum
- Duration:Temporary
- Location:Campbell Gallery
(date) 2/20/2011–2/26/2012
The museum celebrates 100 years of collecting—gathering artifacts and the knowledge that surrounds them—and connecting—relating people, artifacts, information, and ideas to one another.
The story of the museum over its history provides glimpses of the collections, individuals, and events that shaped its growth. The selection of artifacts reflects how its educational scope evolved over the decades from an interest in mostly western cultures to a more global approach. Different exhibit sections focus on elements of our story: our early history in the campus center for the humanities, Lincoln Hall; a look at an artifact’s life behind the scenes; connections with other units on campus; staff and collaborators; and a Cabinet of Curiosities full of remarkable and varied pieces from our collections. Above all, the reason for founding and building the museum over time remains the same: to engage with and better understand the larger world.