Jobin Collection of Micronesian Artifacts
- Duration:Temporary
- Location:Whitten Featured Object Case
(date) 5/2/2011–9/11/2011
Terry Jobin served as one of the first Peace Corps volunteers in the Truk (now Chuuk) Islands of the Federated States of Micronesia. From 1966 to 1972, Mr. Jobin lived within the communities, traveling to teach at the Namanuito Atoll, Ulul, and Magur Islands.
The objects in this collection served as tools for community members in the acquisition and preparation of food, highlighting the importance of sailing and fishing prowess. As a member of the community, Mr. Jobin used these objects to participate in everyday activities. They were created with materials grown and found locally. For example, the goggles are carved from local wood and fitted with recycled glass and rubber. Mr. Jobin also learned valuable skills such as creating turtle shell jewelry and rope.
The carved figures are interesting for their individual artistic aspects and in their value as an introduction of tourist crafts. According to the donor, the male figure looks much like the carver himself. The carving of two men with a feast bowl depicts the traditional method of serving breadfruit. The women prepare the breadfruit and place it in the bowl. It is then scored in a crossed fashion and topped with fish. Men then present the bowl to the group, as demonstrated.