Financial Donation
With your generosity, the Spurlock Museum can continue to build knowledge of and respect for the peoples and cultures of the world. Opportunities to support the Museum span from general operating needs and acquisitions to endowment funds and capital projects. Gifts in any amount make a tremendous impact on the Museum's ability to serve our diverse audiences and steward our collections.
Gifts can be made by outright donation, bequests, trusts, or matching gifts. Making a financial donation directly to the Museum gives you flexibility to:
- double your donation to the Museum with a matching gift,
- make a donation in honor or memory of someone special, and
- plan giving for the future that can make a world of difference today.
The Spurlock Museum is a member of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The University of Illinois Foundation, who will process your gift, is a 501(c)(3) organization registered within the State of Illinois.
Donate Now
Please indicate the amount of your online gift:
Giving Societies
Chancellor's Circle
The Chancellor's Circle giving society was introduced in 2006 and reinforces the important role of annual giving to our University's ongoing strength and success. By honoring donors who give $2,500 or more in a single fiscal year (July 1–June 30), the Chancellor's Circle encourages leadership-level annual support while recognizing donors' varied interests and loyalties. Membership must be renewed annually.
President's Council
Established in 1964, the President's Council is the premier donor recognition program of the University of Illinois. By honoring donors who have cumulatively made outright gifts of $25,000 or more, or deferred commitments of $50,000 or more, the President's Council recognizes these individuals who have made significant philanthropic investments in the University, its campuses, and programs.
Donate by Mail
If you prefer not to give online, you may print and complete the giving form (PDF; ~100kb) (external link) and send it with your check to the address provided. Thank you for your generous support!
Corporate Matching Gift Program
Your gift can be matched, doubled, or even tripled if you or your spouse are employed by a company with a matching gift program. Please visit your personnel or benefits office for forms and information, or contact University of Illinois Foundation Stewardship Services at 217-333-0675 or by email at stewardship@uif.uillinois.edu.
To see if your company participates, search the Employer Database at the University of Illinois Foundation.
For More Information
For more information about giving opportunities, giving programs, endowments, and gift planning (including deferred gifts, annuities, and bequests), please refer to the University of Illinois Foundation.
In addition, you may also contact Karen Flesher in the Museum's business office or Joseph Baldwin (email link) at the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Office of Advancement.