Egyptian Mummification


- B.C.E.
- Before the Common Era. Used in place of of BC to denote historical dates before the year 1. This term removes the reference to the Christian religion, which did not exist during that time. The Spurlock Museum uses this dating system because it removes the verbal reference to Christianity, which is important in a museum that covers many cultures from around the world and throughout history who are of different religions.
- Bitumen
- a sticky substance found in the earth or made from petroleum. It is sometimes called asphalt, tar, or pitch.
- Ca.
- It designates that the years given are approximate.
- C.E.
- Common Era. It is the same time designation as AD but removes the reference to the Christian religion. See BCE for more information.
- Cartonnage
- waste papyrus or linen soaked in plaster, similar to papier machè.
- Embalming
- any process used to preserve a dead body.
- Frankincense
- a sweet-smelling gum resin used chiefly as incense.
- Hieroglyphic Writing
- a system of writing, such as that of ancient Egypt, in which pictorial systems represent meaning or sound or both. The word hieroglyphic comes from the Greek words hieros meaning sacred, and glyphein, meaning to carve or hollow.
- Jackal
- a type of wild dog-like animal found in Egypt.
- Mummification
- the creation of a mummy.
- Mummiform
- having the shape of a mummy.
- Mummy
- the preserved body of a person or animal. Mummies are made naturally or by embalming
- Myrrh
- a sweet-smelling resin obtained from several Asian or African trees and shrubs and used in perfume and incense.
- Natron
- a naturally occurring salt used in ancient times for embalming, cleaning, and making ceramic paste. When used in making Egyptian mummies, natron dried the body's tissues.
- Resin
- a type of tree sap that is very sticky and becomes very hard when exposed to the air.
- Sarcophagus
- a wood or stone container for a coffin.
- Scarab
- the dung beetle; an ancient Egyptian symbol for rebirth.
- Viscera
- internal body organs.
- Wood pitch
- a thick, dark, sticky substance. Today it is used for waterproofing, roofing, caulking, and paving.
"I am a long-lived snake; I pass the night and am reborn every day. I am a snake which is in the limits of the earth; I pass the night and am reborn, renewed and rejuvenated every day." Spell 87 - The Book of the Dead