Senufo-Tagba of West Africa


- Ancestors
- a previous person in the family line; often more than two generations earlier
- Betrothed
- engaged to be married
- Blacksmith
- a person who creates and repairs things made of iron
- Calabash
- the dried, hollow shell of a gourd
- Cereal Crop
- grains such as wheat, oats, rice, etc.
- Colony
- a territory distant from the government having control over it
- Colonial period
- in the case of Burkina Faso, the period of time when the country was controlled by the French
- Compound
- the walled area in which one extended family lives
- Condiments
- a seasoning for food
- Cowry Shells
- a mollusk shell formerly used as money in parts of Africa and South Asia
- Dialect
- the form or variety of a spoken language peculiar to a region, community, social group, occupation group, etc.
- Domestic
- tame
- Drought
- a prolonged period of dry weather
- Fallow
- land left unplanted for a period of time to make the soil richer
- Fertility
- the ability of animals to reproduce and the ability of land to produce crops
- Fixative
- a substance that makes something permanent or prevents fading
- Hereditary
- being passed down from generation to generation
- Hierarchy
- a group of persons or things arranged in order of rank, grade, class, etc.
- Infertility
- the inability of animals to reproduce and the inability of land to produce crops
- Intermediaries
- people who serve as a go-between, giving messages from one person to another
- Kinship
- family relationships or connections
- Land-locked
- entirely surrounded by land; cut off from the sea
- Lineage
- all the people who can trace their origin back through one common ancestor
- Millet
- a cereal grass whose small grain is used for food
- Okra
- a tall annual plant grown for its slender, ribbed, sticky green pods, which are cooked and used in soups or stews
- Rural
- Of a characteristic of the country (as opposed to the city)
- Savanna
- a treeless plain or a grassland characterized by scattered trees
- Smelting
- to melt ore for the purpose of separating the impurities from the pure metal
- Sorghum
- a grass grown for grain, syrup, fodder, etc.; also the syrup created from the juices of the grass
- Staple food
- the chief food of an area
- Tubers
- the short, thickened part of an underground plant stem; yams and potatoes are tubers for example
- Votive objects
- objects used as a mediation between the living and the dead when asking for protection, prosperity, favors, good health, etc.